SICE Journal of
Control, Measurement and
System Integration
SICE JCMSI Virtual Issue on
SICE Journal of Control, Measurement, and System Integration (SICE JCMSI) will publish a Virtual Issue to disseminate the original and high-quality studies presented in 2023 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration, in revised/extended forms to the world. SICE JCMSI is a unique open access journal that has System Integration as one of its main scopes and offers a precious opportunity for researchers and engineers working on this field to disseminate their advanced achievements. SICE JCMSI is featured by increasing visibility, more than 50,000 total downloads in 2022 from all over the world, and quick turnaround of average 3 months after submission for first decision. The Editors encourage the authors of all the categories of the papers presented in the symposium to submit their extended version to the journal, in order to form an original collection of System Integration papers in this journal. The submitted papers will undergo an expedited review process.
Important Dates
Submission portal opens: February 24, 2023 (tentative)
Paper submission deadline: April 30, 2023 (tentative)
Target publication date: November 2023 (tentative)
The full-length manuscript should be sent along with a filled cover letter by selecting SICE Journal of Control, Measurement, and System Integration on the submission portal (Click on 'Submit an article’) accessible via the Journal website. Virtual Issue on 2023 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration should be chosen during the submission. The designated cover letter can be downloaded here. Papers with insufficient cover letters will not be on the expedited review track.
Important Information
All submissions to the Virtual Issue based on extensions of materials presented in Regular Papers, Short papers for interactive or video demonstration session, and Late Breaking Report presented in the symposium must comply with the following conditions:
The paper titles must be different from the ones in the symposium proceedings;
The authors must cite their paper that appears in the symposium proceedings;
In the journal paper, the authors must describe in detail how the submitted journal paper differs from the cited symposium paper. In particular, the additional original contribution in the journal paper has to be pointed out explicitly in the first section.
Failing to comply with these three conditions will lead to an immediate rejection unless the original symposium paper is a Short Paper or a Late Breaking Report.
Editor of Virtual Issue
Masayoshi Wada (Tokyo University of Science)
Guest Editors
Kenji Tahara (Kyushu University), Yumi Iwashita (JPL), Oliver Sawodny (University of Stuttgart), Eiichi Yoshida (Tokyo University of Science)